Organized an expert lecture on “Right to information: Contemporary Issue and Challenges”

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Faridabad News, 30 May 2021 : The School of law, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth (NAAC accredited deemed university under section 3 of the University Grant Commission Act 1956), Faridabad organized an expert lecture on “Right to information: Contemporary Issue and Challenges” on 28 May 2021. With constant encouragement of our Honorable Chancellor Dr. Picheshwar Gadde and Honorable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. A.R Dubey, this event was successfully organized under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Radheshyam Prasad, Dean, School of Law.

Objectives of the event:
The Right to Information is a fundamental Right under Article 19 (1) of the Constitution of India. Right to Information Act 2005 was enacted to empower citizens to seek information on various subjects from the public offices. The aim of this expert lecture was to apprise the students of law, teachers and staff of the university to how to get the information, difficulties in getting information and its remedy.

About the Resource Person-
Professor (Dr.) Jeet Singh Mann was the Resource person of this event who is Associate Professor of law and Director of the Centre for Transparency and Accountability in Governance at National Law University (NLUD), Delhi. He is well-known personality in field of law and several times invited by the Government institutions in policy making/advice. He has given over 175 Special Lecture at National Programmes & 30 Lectures at International Programmes. He has more than 70 publication including Books and Articles in Online & Offline journals.

Event details:
The event was conducted in online platform. Mr. Rajiv Kumar Jha, Assistant Professor, School of Law, welcomed the resource person, dignitaries, faculties, students and other participants. Thereafter, the resource person was invited for deliberation on the topic. He started the event with the historical perspective of Right to information and the necessity to bring this Act. The resource person explained how Right to information Act is important in good governance of a country and keeps a check on accountability and transparency in working of government departments. The Right to information has also played an important role in combating corruption. He has also explained various kinds of information that are covered under the Right to information Act, the options available to a person in case he is not provided with the information sought. There are certain limitations and exceptions to Right to information Act such as the Act applies to only public authorities and not to private parties or artificial persons or institution. Further, he explained that the right to information under RTI Act is a tool for getting information and should not be used for redressal of the grievances. He also discussed certain landmark judgments and recent amendment of Right to information Act 2019. Many thought-provoking questions were asked by the students and audience during question and answer session and eloquently answered by the resource person.
At the end, the event was concluded with vote of thanks by Ms. Shrabani Kar, Assistant Professor, School of law.

Program Outcomes:
The participants of this webinar gained knowledge and insights of the Right to Information Act. They got to know how right to information is important to ensure good governance in the democracy. They also got to know the contemporary issues and challenges in the implementation of the Right to Information Act and its solutions.


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