Faridabad News, 09 Sep 2020 : Vidya Bharati will commence a nationwide awareness campaign on the recently unveiled National Education Policy from 11 September 2020. In addition to comprehensive discussions on the scope, scale and impact of the reforms under the NEP, the campaign will also comprise of the MyNEP Competition involving NEP-themed popular contests in the online mode тАУ social media & website (www.mynep.in) from 25 September 2020 to 02 October 2020.
MyNEP Competition will be held in 13 languages on four sub-themes, namely Bharat Centric Education Holistic Education, Knowledge Based Society and Quality Education, across three categories, namely first 9-12 standard, second Undergraduate & Postgraduate and third the Citizen Category. While significant cash prizes will be awarded to the winners in each category, every contestant will receive a participation certificate. Handmade painting, meme-making, letters to the PM, speech-making, essay writing, short film making, digital designing and twitter thread compositions will be organized under the MyNEP Competition. In addition to these category-specific contests, an interactive quiz on the various facets of the National Education Policy will also be conducted online. The names of the winners will be announced by 05 October 2020.
Since the National Education Policy itself is an outcome of wide-ranging democratic participation, the NEP awareness campaign too will be spearheaded by young and passionate volunteers. NEP Ambassadors will be appointed to manage and lead the MyNEP Competition related activities online. Furthermore, schools and higher education institutes can also partake in the awareness movement by taking the NEP Pledge in support of the latest policy.
Haryana State Convener, MyNEP Competition Saroj Kumar said, тАЬOur mass-awareness campaign involves popular participation centred around a series of NEP-themed contests for both, school and college students as well as the interested citizenry. The NEP has recommended the mother tongue as the primary medium of instruction for enhanced learning outcomes. In a similar spirit, most of the contests under the MyNEP Competition will be held in 13 regional Indian languages included Hindi & English to reach out to students from diverse linguistic backgrounds. Participation itself will be an enriching experience for the contestants.тАЭ On this occasion, other members of Vidya Bharati, including members of Haryana province, Baljit Yadav, Nirvair Singh, Reshma Rana and Renu Bhardwaj were present.