GAIL’s launches #ChangeForGood awareness initiative on World Environment Day 2021

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New Delhi News, 05 June 2021 : Supporting the United Nation’s theme of ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ for World Environment Day today, GAIL (India) Limited launched an engagement activity under its awareness initiative #ChangeForGood on its digital platform where netizens can take a pledge to reinforce their commitment for a better environment and showcase their efforts in this direction.

GAIL has been playing a significant role in ‘Energizing Possibilities’ for a cleaner environment and sustainable living, with ‘Environmental Responsibility’ being one of the core elements of its vision statement.

Under the #ChangeForGood awareness initiative GAIL is seeking from netizens and its employees photographs and videos showing:

• Restoring their balcony, roadside, yard or garden with planting and composting
• Choosing environment friendly lifestyle. Making smart choices like buying only sustainable products and changing diets
• Supporting ecosystem conservation and restoration
• Switching to cleaner energy solutions

A micro site has been created by GAIL where individuals can click and upload photographs, short videos showcasing their terrace garden, photos of greener environment around their homes and their efforts towards the environment. The best contributions will be showcased through GAIL social media platforms.

A video content and posts are also produced under its initiative ‘Hawa Badlo’ which advocates against air pollution, problems caused due to air pollution and solutions for curbing it ensuring a greener and cleaner tomorrow. The video and content focuses on improving the air and environment as we all are going through tough times due to the pandemic. Better air and environment will help building better health for healthier future.


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