OnMobile pledges 50 Lakhs for COVID-19 pandemic relief

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New Delhi News, 15 April 2020 : OnMobile pledges 50 Lakhs for COVID-19 pandemic relief – says‘Together, we canThe spread ofCoronavirus in India and all around the world has been alarming. The whole world is united in this suffering. Hence,we need to put up a united front to fight this pandemic too. Stay Home StaySafe is the universal mantra that all OnMobile employees are adhering to. We understandthat collective and immediate action is the need of the hour. Even while washingaway the virus, we cannot wash our hands from the responsibility of aiding ourcountry in this fight against Corona. During this time of economic uncertainty,OnMobile Global is delighted toannounce a contribution of INR 50,00,000 from our CSR fund to the PM Caresrelief fund. OnMobile hopes that this contribution will help in alleviating thesuffering and hardship that is being faced by multitude of Indians.

About OnMobile:
OnMobile[NSE India: ONMOBILE] [BSE Ltd: 532944], is a global leader in mobileentertainment. Headquartered in Bangalore, India and with offices in allregions of the world, OnMobile offers a wide array of products such as Videos,Sports, Tunes, Games & Contest catering to the mobile entertainmentcategory. Based on current deployments, OnMobile has an addressable base ofmore than 1.68 billion mobile users across several geographies. For furtherinformation, please visit www.onmobile.com.


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