“Innoskill” saw talent from over 35 higher education institutions across 61 activities; Awarded to the winners - Newsstudio18
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Home Tags “Innoskill” saw talent from over 35 higher education institutions across 61 activities; Awarded to the winners

Tag: “Innoskill” saw talent from over 35 higher education institutions across 61 activities; Awarded to the winners

“इनोस्किल” में 35 से ज्यादा उच्च शिक्षण संस्थानों ने 61 गतिविधियों में दिखाई प्रतिभा; विजेताओं को किया पुरस्कृत

फरीदाबाद, 13 अप्रैल, 2023: मानव रचना शैक्षणिक संस्थान  (एमआरईआई) के  दो दिवसीय वार्षिक तकनीकी फेस्टिवल "इनोस्किल 2023" का गुरुवार को समापन हुआ।फेस्टिवल में ओपी...
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