The book titled “Widow Warrior: The causes that shaped my life” written by Raj Loomba was unveiled by British High Commissioner Lindy Cameron and former diplomat Yash Sinha - Newsstudio18
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Sunday, January 19, 2025
Home Tags The book titled “Widow Warrior: The causes that shaped my life” written by Raj Loomba was unveiled by British High Commissioner Lindy Cameron and former diplomat Yash Sinha

Tag: The book titled “Widow Warrior: The causes that shaped my life” written by Raj Loomba was unveiled by British High Commissioner Lindy Cameron and former diplomat Yash Sinha

राज लूंबा द्वारा लिखित “विधवा योद्धा: वह कारण जिसने मेरे जीवन...

नई दिल्ली ब्रिटिश काउंसिल ऑडिटोरियम में लॉर्ड राज लूंबा द्वारा लिखित “विधवा योद्धा: वह कारण जिसने मेरे जीवन को आकार दिया "किताब का अनावरण...
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