The district is capable of taking strict legal action against those prohibiting manual aquars and violating it: Deputy Commissioner Yashpal - Newsstudio18
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Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Home Tags The district is capable of taking strict legal action against those prohibiting manual aquars and violating it: Deputy Commissioner Yashpal

Tag: The district is capable of taking strict legal action against those prohibiting manual aquars and violating it: Deputy Commissioner Yashpal

जिले में मैनुअल एक्वजर्स प्रतिबंधित करने व इसका उल्लंघन करने वालों...

Faridabad News, 22 Dec 2020 : व्यक्तिगत रूप में सिर पर मैला ढोना केंद्र सरकार द्वारा बनाए गए मैनुअल एक्वजर्स प्रतिबंध एवं पुनर्स्थापना अधिनियम-2013...
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